Business Plans; Are they worth it?

There is always a strong ambiguous fight between consultants and customers upon producing a solid business plan and feasibility study, especially for new facilities or additional rooms, even when the investment is big enough to be considered above10Mio. Consultants are bigoring a lot with customer on the fact that since investment is granted the idea itself it is supposed to be working out and to be feasible. Reality though, a few times only corresponds to the foreseen investment and idea. Expenses not foreseen, dealys of the project deliverables, shift in market trends tend to be the most annoying issues where investors are always told that market shifted unexpectedly. In real life though market is to be analysed and shifts to be expected or at least foreseen. Epseciall yin new products’ development (Cannabis especially) investors are set back with a genuine idea, giving up any effort for logical back up of the plan. Qualitech Engineering strongly supports the effect of having a sound and safe business plan and feasibility study. After all this pitch deck opens the investment to the Stock Exchange or Private Investment world.